Experiental course for couple (2 lectures)

Tantrická masáž Praha

The experience course will connect you both even more and deepen your intimate life together.

Especially suitable for couples who want to move forward in sexuality and experience a richer and more fulfilling sex life.

However, it is also suitable for couples who have lost the flame of passion, have lost their appetite for sex, are consumed by a stereotype or are troubled by something in their private life.

“This course is individual and is tailored to your expectations, experience and boundaries.”

It takes place in a safe, intimate and private environment where it is possible to open up completely, trust each other and feel relaxed.

This course is unique in that you are guided through the course/therapy by 2 instructors who are also life partners – Zuzana and David (Certified Sexological Bodyworkers – CSB).

Tantra course includes:

  • theory / consultation
  • practice
  • individual approach

You can learn:

  • Tantric massage
  • delaying ejaculation
  • Tantric preludes / rituals / meditations
  • breathing techniques
  • prostate massage
  • breast massage
  • intimate vulva / penis massage
  • conscious touch
  • orgasm without ejaculation
  • change stereotypes and discover new ways of experiencing sexuality
  • deepen the intensity of experience and feeling in the body
  • touch your partner in a new and conscious way
  • experience a full-body energetic orgasm
  • get to know your body better and have a more loving relationship with it
  • understand the differences in sexual experience between men and women
  • consciously work with the breath and delay ejaculation
  • communicate better with your partner
  • inspirational tips and techniques for partner sensual massage
  • practice orgasmic yoga and meditation
  • become more aware of yourself and your needs

“It is entirely up to you whether you are clothed, in a sarong, in your underwear or completely naked for the duration of the course.”

The decision will be made after the group session (interview) which will take place after your arrival. It is important that you both feel as comfortable and yourself as possible. No one is forced into anything or judged for anything!

Come to this couples course and take away new skills and knowledge that you can incorporate into your intimate life together that day!

3 hours7.790 CZK
4 hours9.990 CZK

What our clients are saying:

Něco tak krásného jsem nikdy nezažil

Kde začít? Je toho tolik o co bych se rád podělil.

Vše to začalo mou touhou poznat něco nového, co by mi přineslo více porozumění mého vlastního těla, sexuality a duševní harmonie. Po jistém čase a nesporným prohledáváním internetu jsem narazil na Klárky webové stránky. Ta mi pomohla zodpovědět spoustu mých otázek o tantře, co očekávat, ale i co tantra není nebo neposkytuje. Měl jsem jistou představu co očekávat, ale i tak jsem šel na první tantra masáž nervózní a plný očekávání.

Klárka je nádherný anděl. Hned po příchodu a krátkém posezení, ze mě spadla ta největší nervozita. Chvíli mi ovšem trvalo se úplně odpojit od všedního, stresového života. To vše ovšem pominulo po prvních minutách s Klárkou. Díky jejím něžným dotekům, profesionálnímu přístupu a hlavně vzájemnému porozumění našich duší jsem se rázem ocitnul v jiné dimenzi. Něco tak krásného, uvolňujícího a vzrušujícího jsem nikdy nezažil. Dvě a půl hodiny utekly tak rychle, jako ještě nikdy v mém životě. Bylo mi hned jasné, že toto nebude poslední návštěva. Kdybych mohl, navštívil bych Klárku každý den. Tímto chci říct, že je jedno kolik hodin budete s Klárkou, neboť ona Vás dokáže odpoutat od Vašeho všedního stresového života.

Moc děkuji Klárko a doufám, že se zase brzo uvidíme.


Kurz se Zuzanou jsme si oba užili

Milá Zuzano, jsme toho ještě plni 😊 Bylo to s Vámi nádherné pro oba. Je to též hodně o „chemii“ s Vámi. Zkrátka jste nám „sedla“, že nebyl problém se uvolnit. Byť jsme se i do včerejška ne zcela zřídka hezky milovali, tak se Vám povedlo nás posunout o kousek dál. Děkujeme

Pepík a Dáša

Thanks to the course, we pay more attention to ourselves

From the course we recommend everywhere we go. It has opened our horizons through touch and intimacy. Through the course, we have learned to be more aware of each other, to be in our presence, here and now, and to take long moments just for ourselves and our connection. Since the course, we have directly applied time in our schedules for massage and dedication to ourselves. We have found it very beneficial and inspiring, and we are actively using and trying out the techniques. We will definitely try further education through this topic in the future. Thank you Zuzana and David.

A. + V.

High level, originality and professionalism of masseur David

I went to the massage, which I received as a birthday present, expecting a pleasant relaxation, so much needed in today’s hectic times. I already have experience with different types of massages, but this was completely unknown and new to me. I admit that although I was very excited, I tend to get nervous at first in unfamiliar situations and so it was now. However, the result exceeded my expectations beyond measure and all my fears vanished. Mr. David’s friendly, refined and very sensitive approach, dexterity, gentleness and professionalism guarantee a very high quality of care. I also appreciate the pleasant chat and the many valuable tips given, which I will keep in my memory. Definitely – high level, originality and professionalism, and therefore I highly recommend it to everyone! For me personally it was a wonderful, harmonious and sensual experience that I will never forget and which I will be very happy to repeat. The magic of this experience is really hard to describe. It simply has to be experienced.


David was kind, gentle, very receptive

On an impulse purchase of a gift voucher, I went for a two-hour relaxing massage. I go for back massages occasionally, and have had a few full body massages, and it’s always been a pleasant affair, but never an unusual experience. Until yesterday. In retrospect, I can say that the whole massage experience was amazing. The relaxed atmosphere that the masseur David was able to create, the way the touches were applied, their strength, speed, breath work, was perfect, exactly matched the pace of my body and mind and I had a wonderful feeling of deep relaxation. The masseur was kind, gentle to tender, very perceptive. During the massage I had the feeling that a whole new energy was awakened in me during the massage, which one is then full of, I don’t know how to describe it, such a feeling of complete liberation, for me it was a whole new very nice experience. I would say that in some mysterious way he managed to remove all the tension in my tired and stressed body and now I feel a total calm and slowing down, I am not distracted by the standard rampage of our three children, I am keeping my perspective for now and I hope the effect will last for a while. And another significant plus is that I have found that the pleasant state of my body improves our married love life, I am more pleasant, more in tune, I enjoy it more and ultimately my husband is happy too. This relaxing massage has not only removed the fatigue and tension in my body, but I have also mentally relaxed and recharged my energy. Overall, it was a wonderful deep holistic experience, I would love to repeat it next time and definitely recommend giving it a try.

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