Tantrická masáž Praha
Tantrická masáž Praha

We love Tantra

Discover conscious sexuality

Tantra massage and Tantra courses


We are a decent and discreet establishment, we value decency and mutual respect. You can read what to expect and what not to expect from a tantra massage in our FAQs.



Please share your experience with us, either directly here (below) or on Google here. Thank you very much for your time!čas.

How clients rate us

Rated 5.0 out of 5
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 109 reviews)
Very good0%

Thanks to the course, we pay more attention to ourselves

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

From the course we recommend everywhere we go. It has opened our horizons through touch and intimacy. Through the course, we have learned to be more aware of each other, to be in our presence, here and now, and to take long moments just for ourselves and our connection. Since the course, we have directly applied time in our schedules for massage and dedication to ourselves. We have found it very beneficial and inspiring, and we are actively using and trying out the techniques. We will definitely try further education through this topic in the future. Thank you Zuzana and David.

A. + V.

High level, originality and professionalism of masseur David

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

I went to the massage, which I received as a birthday present, expecting a pleasant relaxation, so much needed in today’s hectic times. I already have experience with different types of massages, but this was completely unknown and new to me. I admit that although I was very excited, I tend to get nervous at first in unfamiliar situations and so it was now. However, the result exceeded my expectations beyond measure and all my fears vanished. Mr. David’s friendly, refined and very sensitive approach, dexterity, gentleness and professionalism guarantee a very high quality of care. I also appreciate the pleasant chat and the many valuable tips given, which I will keep in my memory. Definitely – high level, originality and professionalism, and therefore I highly recommend it to everyone! For me personally it was a wonderful, harmonious and sensual experience that I will never forget and which I will be very happy to repeat. The magic of this experience is really hard to describe. It simply has to be experienced.


David was kind, gentle, very receptive

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

On an impulse purchase of a gift voucher, I went for a two-hour relaxing massage. I go for back massages occasionally, and have had a few full body massages, and it’s always been a pleasant affair, but never an unusual experience. Until yesterday. In retrospect, I can say that the whole massage experience was amazing. The relaxed atmosphere that the masseur David was able to create, the way the touches were applied, their strength, speed, breath work, was perfect, exactly matched the pace of my body and mind and I had a wonderful feeling of deep relaxation. The masseur was kind, gentle to tender, very perceptive. During the massage I had the feeling that a whole new energy was awakened in me during the massage, which one is then full of, I don’t know how to describe it, such a feeling of complete liberation, for me it was a whole new very nice experience. I would say that in some mysterious way he managed to remove all the tension in my tired and stressed body and now I feel a total calm and slowing down, I am not distracted by the standard rampage of our three children, I am keeping my perspective for now and I hope the effect will last for a while. And another significant plus is that I have found that the pleasant state of my body improves our married love life, I am more pleasant, more in tune, I enjoy it more and ultimately my husband is happy too. This relaxing massage has not only removed the fatigue and tension in my body, but I have also mentally relaxed and recharged my energy. Overall, it was a wonderful deep holistic experience, I would love to repeat it next time and definitely recommend giving it a try.


Great masseur David

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

If you need to think different thoughts and just for two hours to get away from the everyday rush and confusion and restlessness, I highly recommend a wonderful two-hour relaxing massage. I felt wonderfully relaxed and energized, which I regained thanks to the excellent hands of the skilled masseur David. If I can judge by myself, I was satisfied above average :-). I highly recommend it to everyone, I am looking forward to going to the next one.


Amazing massage

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

David, I want to thank you again for the wonderful massage! I’m still drawing from it and I’m feeling very nice and relaxed and positive : ) I’ll probably take your recommendation and come back to recharge, unblock, push boundaries, clarify things and then I definitely want my husband to work on it somehow. Thank you so much and have a beautiful spring days 🙂


Tantric escape with Réza

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

I was lucky enough to visit Tantric massage again and this time with Réza.

Thanks to the experience I had gathered with Klara, I kind of knew what was going to happen and how it would go. But I somehow forgot the fact that every person is different and therefore this massage will be a bit different and typical of how Réza is as a person and how she perceives Tantra.

She greeted me with her pleasant smile and that morning any fear or insecurity disappeared. The whole massage was very pleasant, relaxing and cuddly. Within a few minutes I was able to escape from reality, stress and all the things that each of us carries in our heads and is constantly dealing with. The two hours that I had with Terezka went by too fast and I had no choice but to make another appointment.

Our next meeting was three hours and even that time passed very quickly. In the phase when one can relax and detach from everyday life, this time is very important and wonderful. And Réza is able to induce this state very quickly, so you can enjoy the whole thing.

On the one hand, I felt guilty, because I managed to absorb new energy, which I’m sure was taken away from Réza ;o)

What is the conclusion? That I can’t wait for another Tantric therapy and escape from reality. Réza is very nice, kind, professional and definitely can make you feel at ease, calm and relaxed. I definitely recommend her highly. I look forward to seeing you again.


Absolutely stunning experience

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

Like the vast majority of the reviews here, I wanted to start with “Well where to begin…”, but I’ll try to describe the essentially indescribable experience differently. Reza is an absolutely energetic, beautiful and pure being. Just greeting her put a smile on my face and I couldn’t get rid of it. After a short chat to start off, I felt her first touch. I have to admit that my legs began to shake and I felt like I was slipping into somewhere completely out of reality. My head fought it for a while, but eventually it completely surrendered to Reza’s perfectly balanced touch.

When the massage was over I had an indescribable feeling, my head free from everyday thoughts. The state of my body and mind is really hard to describe in words. At this moment, while sharing the experience, She knew that I was not able to say anything, so we just sat for a while holding hands and just feeling the atmosphere, the smells, the music and the presence of each other…

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am glad I did not give in to the various web comments and decided to try Tantra for myself. Performed by an absolutely perfect angel – Reza – it was an unforgettable experience. Based on perfect touches and the presence of a person who is willing to give a touch and a hug in this day and age, it took my mind out of everyday reality. Within 3 hours, Reza showed me the way to a completely different way of thinking. Advice and recommendations for all those who are thinking about getting acquainted with Tantra – don’t give in to the various comments bordering on porn, take your time, open your mind and try Tantra for yourself … it’s all about the head … not about sex …


Standa M.

Amazing massage by Reza

Rated 5.0 out of 5
12. 2. 2024

Yesterday I had my first tantric massage with masseuse Réza. I have never experienced anything more amazing in my life! The wonderful relaxation of body and mind is still reverberating now… I experienced exactly what I needed for my body and soul. Thank you Réza!


Hanka is amazing

Rated 5.0 out of 5
31. 12. 2023

I had the great pleasure to meet this wonderful woman, she certainly provides a gentle relaxing healing touch and her magic hands certainly energised my body with her special technique, absolutely mind blowing, until next time.


Best massage with Hanka

Rated 5.0 out of 5
31. 12. 2023

Today I had a really relaxing massage with Hanky. It was the best tantric massage I’ve ever had. I felt relaxed during the massage and I felt full of energy after the massage. I will definitely come back.


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Interviews and where we are written about

Cílit sex jenom na orgasmus je povrchní, ztrácí smysl, i bez orgasmu je skvělý, říká lektorka tantry
klara kloudova
Už budu! Jak správně stimulovat vulvu?
DEEP TALKS 114: Klára Kloudová – Školitelka Tantry a autorka kurzů o sexualitě
Tantrická masérka: když mě klient osahává, tak ho vyhodím, učím lidi prožívat
Článek o tantře Blesk
Blesk Podcast: Celotělový orgasmus a podceňované partie. Masérka odhalila taje tantry
Můžeš při masáži zažít orgasmus? Vše, na co se chceš zeptat tantrické masérky
@tantra.klara: Jak si doopravdy užít s*x?
Blesk.cz Článek o tantrické masáži
Podcast: Mužské slzy, cucání palců a chechtání. Tantrická masérka odhalila nejdivnější choutky a orgasmy
Jak si zlepšiť sexuální život aneb tantra a celotělný orgazmus bez ejakulace
Největší mýty o sexu s tantrickou masérkou (bod G, klitoris, masturbace…)
Jak vzniká závislost na pornografii? (deprese, operace, konsent, extrémy)
klara kloudova
Tantrická masáž Praha
Žiju spěšně
tantrická masáž článek blesk
Nedělní Blesk
tantra masáž článek
Nedělní Blesk

17 thoughts on “Reviews

  1. After having met Klara and Yasmine, I had the opportunity to get a massage from Tereza as well. After previous very good experiences, I can also only be positive about Tereza.

    After she takes the time to get to know you better and put you at ease, she gives your whole body a fantastic massage. A mix between relaxation, energy and excitement.

    Her gentle touch creates fantastic sensations through your body.

    Thank you Tereza!

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